If you are tired of having to translate your translations from Arabic into understandable English, you should contact me for your next translation from Arabic to English. I have over 30 years’ experience with the language and over 15 years in my professional translation practice.
Reasons you should come to Tierney Translations
- 66-week course in Modern Standard Arabic/Iraqi Dialect at the Defense Language School in beautiful Monterey, CA.
- Two trips to the Arabic Summer Course at the American University in Cairo
- Master’s Degree in Middle East Studies – Arabic from the University of Utah.
- Defense Attaché Office in Cairo.
- Intelligence liaison officer to Saudi, Kuwait, and Egyptian forces during Operation Desert Shield.
- Interrogation of hundreds of Iraqi prisoners during Operation Desert Storm.
- Assignment to Central Command (CENTCOM) Headquarters as Command Translator.
- Bi-lingual security liaison/ counterintelligence in Saudi Arabia and Baghdad.
- Contract translator for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
- Translation teacher at New York University.
- Subcontractor for the International Monetary Fund.
- Teaches translation to US government linguists.
- Well over a million words translated since 2002 in the fields of law, finance, international trade, security technology, energy, environmental protection, media, and others.

But there is one reason that stands above the rest . .
In 2003, I made the break from translating literally to translating idiomatically. For the next two years, I steadily moved towards providing a “sentence-by-sentence” translation instead of a “word-for-word” translation. This can sometimes mean clipping words or phrases that are semantically extraneous and completely reorganizing the sentence. This is extremely difficult for native Arabic translators and there are only a handful of native English translators on the planet with the talent and confidence to do it well. I am one of them. I have been refining this skill since 2005, when I was certified by the American Translators Association. If I were a bottle of wine, you could say I am 2003 vintage.
I will give your document my full attention, do whatever research is necessary to ensure an accurate translation, send it to a colleague for proofreading, then check the proofreader’s changes. You get two checks for the price of one.
If you have a question on the translation, I am at the other end of the phone. No need to go through an agency. I provide 1 hour of consultation for every 10,000 words translated as part of my standard rate.
I can translate your document myself or lead a team for translation of high-volume, short deadline projects. I will check every word. I can handle up to 10,000 words per day and still keep my standard.
Choose a more excellent way.
Please see my portfolio for examples of my work. The Case Studies in Arabic Translation also have my versions.